How To Apply Domicile Certificate in Delhi
Below we have provided a step-by-step guide on how to apply online for a Delhi domicile certificate.
Eligibility Criteria:
1) A person should an Indian citizen.2) An individual who has resided consistently within the geographical jurisdiction of the NCT of Delhi for the last three years.
Documents Required
Below documents are required for the Domicile certificate.1) Certificate from Employer/Chairman or Gram Panchayat/Chairman or Nagar Panchayat
2) Passport
3) House Tax / Water Tax
4) Electricity Bill
5) Aadhaar card
6) Bank Passbook
7) Voter ID Card
8) PAN
9) Ration Card
10) Driving License
11) One Passport size Coloured Photograph of the Beneficiary(Size 5cm x 4.5cm Or 2”x1.75”)
Steps to Apply For Domicile Certificate Online

2) Then, on the homepage, choose "Apply for Certificates Online."

3) Use your User ID and Password to log in now. Under "Apply Online," select "Apply for services."
4) From the application form below, select "Apply."
5) Complete the application form with all necessary information, and add all supporting documentation. After that, click "submit."