Dichpally Mandal with new villages in Nizamabad district

Dichpally Mandal with new villages in Nizamabad district: Dichpally is a Mandal in Nizamabad district of Telangana state. The language speaks in this region is Telugu.It is determined 14 KM towards East from District head quarters Nizamabad.Dichpally Mandal consists of 5 villages.we have noted here, Bardipoor, Dharmaram (B), Dichpally, Doosgaon, Koratpally.Also, check Dharpally Mandal villages.

Pincode of Dichpally Mandal: 503175

Below Table, we have provided new villages of Dichpally Mandal

Villages of Dichpally Mandal

Bardipoor Dharmaram (B) Dichpally
Doosgaon Koratpally Nadpally
Rampoor Suddapally Yanampally
Amruthapur Bibipur Gollapally
Kamalapur Mentrajpally Mittapally
Narsingpoor Sampally Suddulam

Dichpally Mandal with new villages in Nizamabad

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