Employees who belong to Class 4 and work in various departments in Andhra Pradesh State can now check their GPF payment details and download GPF Annual Information from the treasury official website of the Office of The Accountant General using their login credentials.
The Andhra Pradesh Government has implemented a General Provident Fund (GPF) system for its employees to provide a secure source of savings for their future.
Andhra Pradesh GPF Slip Download
The GPF, or General Provident Fund, is a long-term savings scheme where a certain portion of an individual's salary is deducted and deposited into a savings account, earning interest over time. It is a financial security net with funds that can be withdrawn in emergencies or after retirement.
Also Read: Telangana GPF Slip Download
In Andhra Pradesh, Class 4 GPF Account Slips are provided to government employees, allowing them to easily monitor their GPF account balance and contributions. These slips are tangible evidence of the employee's savings and the interest earned, providing transparency and accountability in managing their GPF funds.
Name of the slips | AP GPF Slips 2023 |
Title | Download the AP GPF Annual Slips 2023 |
Subject | Govt of AP released the AP GPF Annual Statements 2023 |
category | Annual Slips |
AP GPF Slips | https://ag.ap.nic.in/slipsgpf.aspx |
GPF Status | GPF Current Status |
Steps to Download AP Class 4 GPF Annual Slips
The DTA (Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts) Department of Andhra Pradesh has released the AP Class 4 GPF slips on its official website, https://cfms.ap.gov.in/. Class 4 employees in Andhra Pradesh can now download their Class IV GPF annual slips from this website. To download the GPF slips, please follow the steps provided below:
1) Visit the official website of the DTA Department of Andhra Pradesh at https://cfms.ap.gov.in/.
2) Enter your login credentials, which may include your employee ID and password.
3) Complete the necessary verification process, such as entering the CAPTCHA code.
4) On the dashboard, look for the "GPF Annual Information Slips" or "GPF Annual Account Slips" link.
5) Click the link to proceed to the GPF slips download page.
6) Select the appropriate options, such as the financial year and GPF account number.
7) Click on the "Submit" or "Download" button to generate and download your Class 4 GPF slip.
8) Save and print the downloaded slip for your records or future reference.
By following these steps, Andhra Pradesh Class 4 employees can easily download their GPF slips from the official website provided by the DTA Department.
That's all, Friends:)