Buldhana District Police Stations Phone Numbers in Maharashtra State: Buldhana district has 13 Tehsils they are Buldhana, Chikhli, Deulgaon Raja, Khamgaon, Shegaon, Malkapur, Motala, Nandura, Mehkar, Lonar, Sindkhed Raja, Jalgaon Jamod and Sangrampur.This district consists of 3 subdivisions (Buldhana, Khamgaon, and Malkapur ). The Division is further divided into Circle Offices headed by an Inspector. A Circle consists of police stations headed by an inspector or sub-inspector. The police department is committed to serving the citizens' needs by providing adequate and efficient services. We are Listed below Buldhana District Police Stations Numbers and cell phone numbers.

Buldhana district Police Stations Phone Numbers

Buldhana district Police Stations Phone Numbers

The services offered online by the Buldhana police department include the following –
1)Passport status
2)eChallan status
3)Report a crime
4)Safety tips
5)Eve teasing complaints
6)Domestic Violence complaints
7)Dowry harassment complaints
8)Internet fraud
9)Property Fraud
10)Job fraud
11)Child protection
12) Women's protection
14)Missing person report
15)Traffic police help
16)Foreigners’ registration

Name of Police Station Contact Number
AMDAPUR 07264-264034
ANDHERA 07261-265033
BIBI 07260-271250
BORAKHEDI 07267-245226
BULDHANA CITY 07262-241255
BULDHANA RURAL 07262-241255
CHIKHALI 07264-242067
DEULGAON RAJA 07261-232002
DHAD 07262-265132
DONGAON 07268-266240
HIWARKHED 07263-266636
JALAMB 07265-277542
JALGAON (JAMOD) 07266-221530
JANEPHAL 07268-262533
KHAMGAON CITY 07263-252038
KHAMGAON RURAL 07263-252295
KINGAON RAJA 07269-264433
LONAR 07260-221321
MALKAPUR CITY 07267-222018
MALKAPUR RURAL 07267-222258
MEHKAR 07268-224536
MIDC MALKAPUR 07267-262400
NANDURA 07265-221028
PIMPALGAON RAJA 07263-271234
RAIPUR 07262-270030
SAKHARKHERDA 07264-266038
SHEGAON CITY 07265-252010
SHEGAON RURAL 07265-253010
SHIVAJI NAGAR 07263-252142
SINDKHED RAJA 07269-234244
SONALA 07266-238538
TAMGAON 07266-232232

Buldhana district Police Stations Phone Numbers