The first installment of ₹15,000, totaling ₹589 crores, has already been successfully disbursed to economically strong women who are members of various groups in society, including Kamma, Arya, Brahmin, Kshatriya, and other OC castes. This Scheme is a significant step towards empowering economically disadvantaged women from the upper class. It is estimated that a total of 3,92,674 individuals in the state will benefit from this initiative.
YSR EBC Nestham Scheme 2024
Governments, whether at the state or central level, offer various programs aimed at improving the lives of women. This scheme often includes financial incentives to support women in need. One example is the YSR EBC Nestham Scheme introduced by the Andhra Pradesh state government, which aims to provide essential amenities and financial support to economically disadvantaged women.
This article provides comprehensive information on the YSR EBC Nestham Yojana for 2024. By reading this post, you will gain a clear understanding of the benefits, objectives, eligibility criteria, and other aspects of the scheme. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the program, including its advantages, aims, disadvantages, eligibility criteria, and more.
This article provides comprehensive information on the YSR EBC Nestham Yojana for 2024. By reading this post, you will gain a clear understanding of the benefits, objectives, eligibility criteria, and other aspects of the scheme. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the program, including its advantages, aims, disadvantages, eligibility criteria, and more.
Overview of Scheme
Name of the Scheme | YSR EBC Nestham Scheme |
State | Andhra Pradesh |
Launched By | YS Jagan Mohan Reddy |
Launched On | 26 January 2022 |
Aim | To support the livelihood of Hindu Upper Caste EBC Women |
Benefit | Rs. 15,000 per year |
Scheme Beneficiaries | Upper Caste Middle-aged women of the Hindu religion belonging to Economically Backward Classes |
Slots | 4 Lakh |
Budget | 589 Crores |
Eligibility Criteria for AP YSR EBC Nestham Scheme
Women aged 45 – 60 years are eligible for the AP YSR EBC Nestham scheme. The government will provide Rs. 15,000 in financial assistance to these women. Women must belong
to the upper caste and should belong to the economically backward class. They must be residents
of Andhra Pradesh.
Benefits of AP YSR EBC Nestham Scheme
Financially backward upper caste women who do not get any benefit from other welfare schemes can apply to the AP YSR ECB Nestham scheme. Eligible women will get Rs. 15,000 in financial assistance for three consecutive years.
Financial Independence and Financial Inclusion of Women are two key pillars of the Economic Empowerment of Women. GoAP’s EBC Nestham Scheme is providing financial assistance of Rs. 15,000 per annum to Economically Backward Upper Caste Women. #YSREBCNestham
— Srinivasa Reddy Gopireddy (@YoursGopireddy) January 25, 2022
Documents Required for AP YSR EBC Nestham Scheme
- Resident certificate
- Passport size photograph
- Mobile number
- Aadhar card
- Proof of age
- Email id
- Income certificate
- Caste certificate
- Bank account details
How to Apply For AP YSR EBC Nestham Scheme
For applying to the AP YSR EBC Nestham scheme, visit the Andhra Pradesh government's official webpage. Open the YSR EBC Nestham link and complete the application by giving all the required
details. The applicant may be asked to enter some documents. Finally, submit the application
to register for YSR EBC Nestham Scheme 2024.
Necessary documents to apply for the AP EBC Nestham Scheme include the Aadhar card of the
applicant, caste certificate, ration card, bank account number, and others. Applicants can view
the beneficiary list also on the official website. Click on the beneficiary list option and enter the applicant’s and gram Panchayat’s name when prompted. This will open the beneficiary
list on the screen.
The government will provide the details of the official EBC Nestham scheme portal. Here
the applicants can check the payment status for the AP YSR EBC Nestham scheme. They may need
to enter their name and check the status of payment.
Important Links
Official portal of YSR EBC Nestham | Click Here |
Login Link | Click Here |
Reports Status | Click Here |
App Download Status | Click Here |
Application Link | Click Here |