Reliance Rakshak Covid-19 Insurance Policy - How to Apply & Benefits: Coronavirus is spreading very fast in India. There is a fast increase in the number of corona patients. The pandemic is affecting the jobs, salaries and lives in general. With the spread of Covid-19 disease, the need of the hour is an insurance policy to help to bear the expenses of treatment. While few patients with minor symptoms can take treatment by staying at home, some with severe symptoms will need to be hospitalized. Many government hospitals are providing free treatment and the treatment expenses are very high in private hospitals. Here is health insurance from Reliance General Insurance – Corona Rakshak, to help ease the financial burden.

Reliance Rakshak Covid-19 Insurance Policy

Who can apply?

Any adult in the age group of 18 to 65 years is eligible to take this policy.

Benefits of Reliance Rakshak Covid-19 Insurance Policy

Reliance Corona Rakshak offers lump sum benefit to the individual insured, and who is tested Covid-19 positive. The standard waiting period of health insurance is 15 days. That is the insured should not test positive within 15 days from taking the policy. The coverage starts with
the day the insurer is diagnosed with Coronavirus infection.

Reliance Corona Rakshak policy period is three and a half months, six and half months and nine and a half months. The waiting period is 15 days. This policy covers 100% of the sum insured if the policyholder is tested positive for coronavirus and requires hospitalization for three days. However, the company can cancel the policy on grounds of non-disclosure of material facts, fraud, or misrepresentation. 7 days written notice will be given. The premium will be not be refunded.

Reliance Corona Rakshak policy is a benefit-based policy that means the entire sum insured can be claimed. The minimum coverage is Rs 50,000 and the maximum is Rs 2.5 lakh. This policy is offered on an individual basis and no family floater option is available. One thing that has to be kept in mind is that the Rakshak policy becomes active only when the policyholder is hospitalized for a minimum of three days. This can be purchased from any life insurance company.

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