How to Apply for a Voter ID Card Online & Offline - Simple Registration Steps: A Voter Card is a very important document for Indian citizens. As India is the Democratic country, the country runs with the Government and the people of India have the right to vote to the right person as the government. To make the Voter ID card, one must attain his or her 18 years of age by birth. And thus, he or she is eligible to cast votes to select the government. Also, check state wise election commission websites.

Voter ID Card Online & Offline

Apply for Voter ID Card Online & Offline

Except for casting a vote to select the government, a voter ID card works as an important document for any legal works. Voter Id works as the permanent Identity proof for every Indian citizen and for creating any kind of official work purposes. So, if you are a citizen of India and succeeding 18 years of age, then you are eligible to apply for your voter ID card. The voter ID can be applied either online or offline easily to get your voter ID card. To apply for a voter ID card online and offline, here below are the easy steps by which you can easily create your own voter ID card immediately.

Steps to Applying Voter Card Online Registration Method :

To apply for voter card online is very Simple, once you have attained the 18 years of age you are ready to get your voter Id card. To do so, you must go to the official site of the Election Commission of India. To proceed with applying for a voter ID card, follow the steps that we will discuss below.

1)The first thing to do to apply for a voter ID card is to go to the official site of the Election Commission of India, on your desktop or laptop. You can also select your preferred languages for operating the website.

2) On the website, you will find lots of stuff regarding the election and its functions in India. While under the categories you will find the Enrolment section, go to the enrolment and select the Become a Voter option.

3)Once you click on the Enrolment option, you will be redirected to the new windows where you will find a gate for logging in. There, you have to click on the new registration to get your password and username. Once you complete your login process, you will receive the password and username via email and mobile number.

Now, Log into your account by providing the password and username for further process to create voter ID card easily.

Fill up your details in the form 

After logging in, you have to provide your full details, such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, DOB, address, etc., and create a specific password for your account.

 After filling up all the required details about you, the last step is to click on the Submit button. Download the Form

After submitting, a new successful page will appear, which will include complete details about you, and then you can download it for further use.

The online voter ID application is done, and you will receive an email confirming that you have successfully applied for a new voter ID card.

Voter ID Card Offline Method: Detailed Step-by-step guide

But those who have difficulties in applying for voter ID card through online can also apply offline for new voter ID card.

Applying for a voter ID card offline will take you to the official and traditional method of creating a Voter ID card. All you have to do is download the offline form from the official site of the Election Commission of India and fill it out by providing your details, including your mobile numbers.

The form will ask for all the photocopies of each document mentioned in the form before submitting it to the office of the election commission of your state or city.

In this manner, one can easily apply for a voter ID card through Offline methods. All the required documents, including a passport-size photo, are musts for the offline process. All the work will be done in the office itself, and when your Voter ID card is ready, it will be sent to your given address by post.

So above are the important details about how to apply for a voter ID card online and Offline. We have discussed the complete steps, which are very simple, too. Any fresh or new applicant can easily perform the application and get their voter ID card very soon, in a few days. The online application is more efficient as it consumes less time and energy, and you can easily get your Voter ID card through the Post.

I hope you have learned the best and easiest details about applying for a voter ID card online or offline, and you can easily create one in a few days.

Apply for Voter ID Card Online & Offline