Havelighanpur Mandal with villages in Medak District at Telangana

Havelighanpur Mandal with villages in Medak District at Telangana: Havelighanpur is one of the Mandal in Medak district of Telangana state. Medak district has 20 mandals in it.Havelighanpur is the one of the Mandal.95 KM from State capital Hyderabad Haveli Ghanpur Pin code is 502110 and postal head office is Haveli Ghanpur.It has 22 villages.That are listed as Sardhana, Mirgudpally (DP), Rajpet, Burugupally, Nagapur, Byathole Thimmaipally, Ananthasagar, Gangapur, Shamnapur, Byathole, Lingasanpally, Havelighanpur, Suklalpet, Thogita, Shalipet, Bogada Bhoopathipur, Fareedpur, Muthaipally, Serikuchanpally, Madulwai, Aurangabad, Kuchanpally.

Havelighanpur Mandal with villages

Pincode of Havelighanpur Mandal: 502110

Below table, we have provided new villages  Havelighanpur Mandal

villages of Havelighanpur Mandal

Sardhana Mirgudpally (DP) Rajpet
Burugupally Nagapur Byathole Thimmaipally
Ananthasagar Gangapur Shamnapur
Byathole Lingasanpally Havelighanpur
Suklalpet Thogita Shalipet
Bogada Bhoopathipur Fareedpur Muthaipally
Serikuchanpally Madulwai Aurangabad

Map of Havelighanpur Mandal

Havelighanpur Mandal with villages in Medak District

New mandals in Medak district

Havelighanapur Mandal Papannapet Mandal Shankarampet-R Mandal
Ramayampet Mandal Nizampet Mandal Shankarampet-A Mandal
Tekmal Mandal Alladurg Mandal Regode Mandal
Yeldurthy Mandal Chegunta Mandal Narsingi  Mandal
Toopran  Mandal Manoharabad Mandal Narsapur Mandal
Kowdipally Mandal Kulcharam Mandal Chilpched Mandal
Medak Mandal Shivampet Mandal
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