Jagtial Mandal with Villages in Jagtial District : Jagtial mandal in Jagtial District of Telangana State, India. Jagtial Mandal Head Quarters is Jagtial town . Before Jagital mandal is in karimnagar district.

Jagtial mandal consist of 29 Villages. They are Ambaripet, Anantharam ,Anthargom ,Balapally ,Chelgal,Dharmaram,Dharur,Gullapet,Habsipur,Hasnabad,Hyderpally,Jabithapur,Kalleda, Kandalapally,Kannapur,Laxmipur,Lingampet,Morapalli,Mothe,Narsingapur,Polasa,Porandla,Somanpalli,Tarakaramanagar,Thakkalapally,Thatipally,Thimmapur,Thippannapet, Veldurthy.

Here local language spoke in this region is Telugu.

Jagtial Mandal with Villages in Jagtial District

Ambaripet Anantharam Anthargom
Balapally Chelgal Dharmaram
Dharur Gullapet Habsipur
Hasnabad Hyderpally Jabithapur
Kalleda Kandalapally Kannapur
Laxmipur Lingampet Morapalli
Mothe Narsingapur Polasa
Porandla Somanpalli Tarakaramanagar
Thakkalapally Thatipally Thimmapur
Thippannapet Veldurthy

Jagtial Mandal with Villages in Jagtial District