Bidar District Police Office Mobile Numbers in Karnataka State: Here we are provided the Bidar District police officers mobile numbers. So any incident happens in your nearer or anything stolen by thieves you can contact your nearest Police station.
In an emergency, you don't have the Police officer number of nearer to you. So it will very difficult to contact them. But here we are providing the Bidar District Police station numbers. So you can bookmark our page.
Bidar District Police Office Mobile Numbers
— Bidar STD Code: 08482 — |
Designation |
Phone |
Supdt. of Police | 226700,226701 |
Addl S.P. | 226702,240072 |
Bidar Sub-Div. | 226705,226706 |
Bidar Town Circle | 231387 |
Town PS, Bidar | 231046 |
New Town PS | 228256 |
Market Circle | 226714 |
Gandhi Gunj PS | 226233 |
Market PS | 226709 |
Bidar Rural Circle | 226707,223313 |
Bidar Rural PS | 232811 |
Janwada PS | 244033 |
Bagdal P.S. | 242633 |
Bidar Traffic P.S. | 226713 |
– HUMNABAD STD Code:08483 – |
Humnabad Sub-Div. | 270028 |
Humnabad Circle | 270159 |
Humnabad PS | 270033 |
Humnabad Traffic PS | 270100 |
Hallikhed PS | 274313 |
Chitaguppa Circle | 277188,277189 |
Chitaguppa PS | 277133 |
Manna-E-Kheli PS | 276833 |
Bemalkheda PS | 275444 |
–BASAVAKALYAN STD Code:08483 – |
Basavakalyan Circle | 250011,259500 |
Basavakalyan Town PS | 250336 |
Basavakalyan Traffic PS | 259045 |
Hulsoor PS | 253025 |
Manthal Circle | 259599 |
Manthal PS | 239333 |
Mudbi PS | 259833 |
Basavakalyan Rural PS | 252333 |
—BHALKI STD Code: 08484 — |
Bhalki Sub-Div. | 262233,262226 |
Bhalki Town PS | 262323 |
Bhalki Rural Circle | 260312 |
Bhalki Rural P.S. | 262333 |
Khatak Chincholi P.S. | 265233 |
Dhannura P.S. | 264231 |
—AURAD STD Code: 08485 — |
Aurad Circle | 280375,280374 |
Aurad PS. | 280048 |
Aurad PS. | 280048 |
Santpur PS | 287633 |
Chintaki PS. | 284033 |
Kamalanagar Circle | 285324,285325 |
Kamalanagar PS. | 285223 |
Kushnoor PS. | 288833 |
Hokrana PS. | 284444 |
A.A.O., DPO Bidar | 222915 |
PA. TO S.P. | |
PA. TO Addl.SP. | |
D.S.P. D.A.R | 226715 |
R.P.I., D.A.R | 226715 |
R.S.I., M.T.O., DAR. | 226715 |
PI., DSB | 227231 |
PI., DCRB | |
PI., DCIB | |
PI., Control Room | 226704 |
PSI., FPB | |
PHC, Bidar |