Telangana State Social Welfare Department Mobile Numbers: Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) is running 267 residential educational institutions (from 5th standard to Undergraduate level) in the state of Telangana under the Ministry of Scheduled Caste Development, Government of Telangana. Society has been working to provide quality education to the needy and deprived children, which is on par with the other advantaged children.
The TSWREIS has been catering to the dire educational needs of marginalized children, especially Scheduled Caste (SC) children hailing from the remote rural areas of Telangana.
Official Website Of Telangana Social Welfare Department: Website
The TSWREIS has been catering to the dire educational needs of marginalized children, especially Scheduled Caste (SC) children hailing from the remote rural areas of Telangana.
Official Website Of Telangana Social Welfare Department: Website

Telangana State Social Welfare Department Mobile Numbers
Sub Department Name | Designation | Phone Number | Email id |
T.S.W.R.E.I. SOCIETY | Secretary | 040-23306064, 9989997430, 040-23391598, 040-23319810, Fax: 23313136 | |
T.S.W.R.E.I. SOCIETY | Jt. Secretary | 040-23319810, 9866667249 | |
T.S.W.R.E.I. SOCIETY | Fin. Officer | 040-23319810, 9701364881, Fax: 23313136 | |
COMMISSIONER OF SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT | Director | 040-23391362, Fax: 23390127 | |
COMMISSIONER OF SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT | Addl. Director (FAC) & Jt. Director | 040-23391362, 8978600811, Fax: 23390127 | |
COMMISSIONER OF SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT | Jt. Director | 040-23391362, 8008885795, Fax: 23390127 | |
SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | Principal Secretary SCDD (FAC) | 040-23453453, 9573538899, Fax: 23453453 | |
SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | Principal Secretary TWD (FAC) | 040-23450742, Fax: 23452525 | |
SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | Jt. Director (SCDD) | 040-23391362, 8978600811, Fax: 23390127 | |
SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | Smt. Uma Devi | 040-23391362, 040-23524422, 8008885795, Fax: 23390127 | |
TELANGANA SCHEDULED CASTES CO-OP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. | Chairman | 040-23318085, 9701964370, Fax: 23301402 | |
TELANGANA SCHEDULED CASTES CO-OP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. | VC & MD | 040-23315970, 040-27737663, 8978400660, Fax: 23301402 | |
TELANGANA SCHEDULED CASTES CO-OP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. | General Manager | 040-23320747, 040-69991136,9642349999, Fax: 23301402 | |